B2B Dashboard

SaaS Software for charter companies

UX Research


Title B2B


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My role

  • Product designer / UX designer
  • Duration: 4 months


  • Milanote: Moodboard
  • Mural: Brainstorming, card sorting, MVP (Moscow diagram), Information Architecture, summarize qualitative research
  • Sketch: Wireframes, user persona template
  • Invision: Interactive prototype

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Main problem

Currently in Colombia, the companies that rent charters (+20 companies) had some of their processes in white boards, papers or in several spreadsheets.

User Persona B2B

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Right now because of the COVID restrictions their sales have been lower compared to last year, and they currently need to reach more people that might be part of their market but they don't know that the company exists. This companies are trying to create alliances with charter marketplaces that can help them to reach further markets but also they need to modernize and standardize their processes online.

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Our User Persona

User Persona B2B

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User Story 1

As a charter operator, I want to know which are the flights that where reserved with Flapz and all the information needed for the logistics so that will allow me to prepare the Flapz flights on time.

· Solution

Calendar dashboard

The first page is the table where the user can find all the flights of their fleet scheduled from the marketplace. The main objective is that by clicking on each of the rows the user can also check all the data needed, in order to create the permission to the Colombian Civil Aviation Authority.

For this version there's some data missing for the authorization that the operator already knows, such as the altitude in the destination, which is the recommended exit that the pilot should take, possible gasoline stops, etc.

User Story 2

As a charter operator, I want to do a follow up of my fleet state so that will allow Flapz and me to know which of the charters in my fleet are available to rent.

· Solution

For this version we decided that as an MVP, the best and most solution for now, was to create a table that shows which is the current state of the fleet. The user can update it by creating an event in the main calendar and choosing which is the current state of the flight.

User Story 3

As a charter operator, I want to follow up all pilots' flight information, such as the flight hours done in the current month or when does their licenses expire so that will allow me to know if they can be asign to any of the coming flights.

· Solution

For this MVP, the product team decided that the best decision was to simply create a table with the main basic information such as name, license number, Planes allowed and number of hours done in the current month. For the next version is expected to add the dates when the licenses expire.

User Story 4 and 5

As a charter operator, I don't want to fill repeated information for each one of the quotes that I receive, so that will allow me to have more time to do other logistic things needed.

As Flapz, I want to know the price of each charter per route, so that we can show the quote on real time.

· Solution

Routes Dash

Through this solution we expect that this will help the marketplace page to have automatic quotes so the users can see immediately their flight prices, currently they last between 1-2 weeks answering thhe client and sending the quote.

Also we expect that this will reduce "the stress" that they had everytime that they did a lot of quotes, and just a few of them turned in to a sale. Which means that they have less effort and faster doing the quote process.

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Final Prototype

Check the prototype here

Link Prototype Dashboard

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Next Steps

Based on the usability testing done, these are the recommended changes for the next version of the platform:

  1. An option where the users can increase the text size. Some of the users, have issues with their close up view. (Accesibility)
  2. Add the information of when does the pilot's licenses expire.
  3. Add a modal which shows more information about the events in the calendar.
  4. Add an option where the user can edit the prices based on the season of the year.
  5. Create automaticaly the document that the charter operators need to send to the Colombian Civil Aviation Authority. Because this feature would motivate them to use constantly the platform and to see that reduces their effort.

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Learnings through the process

  • One of the main learnings is that the charter operators are the ones who manage all the logistics and have closer contact with all the operations, that's why their perspective was broader compare to the owner of the company (which has different needs).
  • This software can help to reduce the work that all charter operator needs to do everyday and also can help to digitalize their processes so everyone in the company can see how is everything being running.

If you want to create awesome things with tech and know about my projects contact me through LinkedIn